Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Little Wander to a Little Corner

Hulloo!  This is a blog about a little wander to a little corner of a field that's grown up over the past few years in a spot that I've driven by hundreds of times, I'm sure. 

Something like six years ago, a parking lot sized space was cleared next to the Latta/Long Pond Wegmans.  Whatever was supposed to happen to it, didn't and, as often happens, the plain dirt was slowly decorated by what people call a  "field".  It's actually on the West Side of the Frontage Road that connects Wegmans to the  Mc Donalds, a day-care center, and the Latta Road brach of Eastman Credit Union (otherwise known as a bank).  I'm using the term frontage road because, in the rest of the country, that's what it would be called).

One day a couple of weeks ago, I had several errands to run and decided I'd park my car in a central location and walk to my destinations.  As has now become habit, I carried my camera.

I've driven by this field SOO often and never actually seen it...I want you to see it, as well, just for grins! And because it's kinda neat

Okay - I just made this bigger.  If you'll look carefully in the upper right corner, about 1/4 down from the top?  You'll see a little white dot.  That is the hood of a car in the parking lot of the store.  So we're literally only a few yards from the day-to-day world.  And no, that's not a discarded bright red plastic cup down in the lower left.  Honest!

Right off the bat (where the heck did that saying come from?), I must apologize for not having the foggiest CLUE what the names of the wildflowers are.  Some look like they escaped from a backyard and have decided to go camping in this field.  But I have no skill at naming them.  Except, of course, to say they're pretty.  (I am exceptionally proud of my immense scientific background.  Can you tell?)

This is the fence that Wegman's put up around the field back when it was supposed to be something else. I like it, so was obliged to take several shots of it, both nekkid and with flowers.

The view a tightrope walking squirrel would have.  And me playing with wood grain and all.

I cropped out my sneaker, which insisted on toeing itself into the bottom of the picture.  I took this sitting on the ground.  The colors of the little purple flowers were almost irridescent and varied from pinkish purple right on through to purplish blue.  Wonderful!!!!

Again from the ground and again the pretty purple flowers.  They look a little like mini-foxgloves!  The yellow flowers?  Dunno, but they were tremendously cheerful to look at ! 

So, on we go to flowers and greens!

For the most part, these are daisies, I think.  The purple flowers in the backgound aren't the same as the ones by the fence, but they're pretty anyway!

These are pretty (I know - I have to work on my vocabulary).  But what interested me the most about them is the way that the colors range from white through to deep pinkish red.  The flower in the middle has flowerets that are all diffferent shades of pink, red, and white.

These little yellow guys look like stars!

The clover shades from light pink to deeper and then to almost white (color 818 for the counted cross stitchers among us).

And the paler pastels and their stems and leaves add a quiet background of color.

Remember that bright red splotch in the first picture?  This is the splotch up closer and more personal.  Again, I don't know what it is, but it was BRIGHT!!!!

Each of the little flowerets' petals had ruffled petals. I liked the grass as well.  There were so many different green things it was a little overwhelming!

Another bright splotch of color was this flower.  I remembered seeing something like it on a web page and went looking.  It's a coreopsis.  And it seemed to be the only Coreopsis nearby.  Perhaps it had pioneered from someone's garden and decided to set up housekeepingg here!

This is just a little wander, a glimpse of a field perhaps an acre in size, on a semi-cloudy day in June in 2011.  I'm glad I decided to take that walk from the post office to the bank, or I would have missed seeing this!  Keep an eye out, because there's neat stuff all over the place!

Until next time!

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